In July, Bishop Anthony Randazzo wrote to the parishioners of the Cathedral Parish of Hornsby to invite them on a journey to explore the ongoing identity of Our Lady of the Rosary as a Cathedral Parish.
Bishop Randazzo recognised this journey will involve consideration of the community parish and its pastoral life, our Cathedral church and its suitability, our precinct and its potential.
He also recognized other stakeholders in the Diocese will be part of the consultation process but wanted to begin with the Cathedral parishioners, to hear their thoughts and hopes for the Cathedral.
The Bishop asked parishioners to begin by considering two questions:
- What has been your experience of being a Cathedral parishioner and
- What are your hopes for the Cathedral –the Church, the Parish, the Precinct, the Mission.
Parishioners were invited to submit their responses on this page and also invited to join the Bishop on 22 July for small listening circles, facilitated by Deacon Peter McCulloch, through which everyone could share their experiences and hopes.
This meeting was well attended and numerous written responses were received.
The collated feedback is currently being unpacked and grouped in emerging themes.
On 16 August, the Bishop invited staff from St Leo’s Catholic College and Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary and CatholicCare services in Waitara to come together in their first stage of discussion about the long-term future of the Cathedral Parish and Precinct.
As he did with parishioners at the first meeting, the Bishop outlined his desire for all stakeholders to work together to develop the Cathedral Parish and Precinct as a genuine and living statement of our identity and mission in the years to come.
Those attending were also asked to submit their thoughts, comments and ideas.
The consultation process will continue with a Parish community forum on 22 August.
However, if you would still like to contribute to the discussion you are invited to do so through the form below.
This page will be updated as our Cathedral Journey continues.