Have you ever wanted to know what
Catholics actually believe?
Have you ever considered becoming
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a formative process by which those interested in learning more about Christianity and the Catholic Church attend sessions at their local parish over an extended period of time. They will be presented with a variety of essential topics which cover the key pillars of the faith - our profession, celebration, lifestyle, and our prayer. At different stages of the process, individuals are given the invitation to continue on their journey towards the Easter Sacraments and reception into the Church.
For more information, contact your local Catholic Parish, or Pina Bernard, Team Leader Parish Renewal and Discipleship on 0432 682 239 or
Upcoming Events for Parish RCIA Teams and Clergy
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) – Sept/Oct 2022 Workshops
7.30pm-9.00pm | Wednesdays | 7, 14, 21, 28 September, & 5 October | OLOR Cathedral, Waitara
RCIA parish coordinators, teams, and clergy are warmly invited to participate in an upcoming series of free workshops being offered by Br. Bernard Mary Fonkalsrud OFM Conv, the Sacramental Life & RCIA Coordinator. The workshops will be held at OLOR Cathedral Parish over five consecutive Wednesday evenings, each covering a key stage of the RCIA process and best methods and practices for facilitating them effectively. This is a fantastic formation opportunity for those new to the RCIA process, and as a refresher for those who have been involved for some time. Participants are welcome to attend all or some of the workshops.
To register, please email bernard.fonkalsrud@bbcatholic.org.au and indicate which sessions you would like to attend.

Download flyer here
Session One (7 Sept) - Fr. Farrell Room
RCIA: An Introduction
This first session will be especially pertinent to those new to the process of RCIA in their parish, team members, facilitators, and clergy. We will provide an overview of the history and rational behind RCIA, the best methods for implementing the process in parishes today, building a team, hospitality and welcome, the essential paperwork, and how to promote the RCIA.
Session Two (14 Sept) - Fr. Nulty Room
The Period of Inquiry: Evangelisation and Precatechumenate
Though the RCIA officially begins with admission into the Order of Catechumens, the time leading up to this is vital to one’s journey towards Christianity. For the unbaptised, or uncatechised, they have felt a calling to more deeply discern the Catholic Church, but before one can appreciate the ‘nuts and bolts,’ they need to hear and experience the kerygma of God’s love and mercy so that they might develop a mature desire to follow Christ and persevere through the RCIA process. During this session we will delve into this area and ways to help communicate the kerygma to inquirers, and the recommended foundational topics covered during this phase.
Session Three (21 Sept) - Fr. Nulty Room
The Catechumenate
After being admitted as Catechumens or Candidates, the RCIA participants undertake an extended period of pastoral and catechetical formation and become familiar with the Christian way of life. This session will help to outline how parishes can best encourage and incorporate the RCIA and it’s participants into their communities, the role of Sponsors and Godparents, the suggested topics covered, and the extra blessings and rituals that may be utilised.
Session Four (28 Sept) - Fr. Nulty Room
Lent: Purification and Enlightenment
Beginning with the Rite of Election and Enrolment of Names, the period of Purification and Enlightenment leads the Elect through the season of Lent and spiritually prepares them for the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation. The Elect and Candidates are put through a more reflective series of sessions which deepen one’s knowledge and awareness of Christ the Saviour. This session will highlight the importance of the Rite of Election, give methods for how to approach the Scrutinies and their associated Gospel readings, inclusion in parish Lenten practices, and preparation for the Easter Sacraments.
Session Five (5 Oct) - Fr. Nulty Room
The Easter Sacraments and Mystagogy
The climax of the whole RCIA journey is the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Holy Saturday is a special day of preparation and prayer for the Elect and has certain rites that may be celebrated to emphasis this. The celebration of the Easter Vigil is always enhanced when the Church welcomes new members, and so how can parishes and RCIA facilitators best encourage and support the Elect and Candidates as they take this significant step of faith. Mystagogy is an often misunderstood or underappreciated period of the RCIA process – This session will help to give guidance and ideas that can help to enrich this stage and what might be done to follow up post-RCIA.