
Training and Events Calendar

CCD Training and Formation Offerings  

Registrations are essential for all training and formation events.

Please register your attendance for all CCD training and events by contacting our registrations desk to ensure that there are sufficient resources for all attendees.

To register for the CCD Training or Events below, please: 

Email:  Registrations  or Phone: 8379 1643


CCD Ministry Induction (CCD MI) training for new catechists

Two courses will be run in Term 1, 2025.

This Zoom course will be held weekly over 8 weeks, with the Monday daytime course commencing on Monday 17 February 2025. The Tuesday evening Zoom course will begin on Tuesday 18 February 2025.

Provisional (yellow) Card catechists can register for the units they have not yet completed - please call CCD Registrations on 8379 1643 or email if you need to check your training record.

Click the image below to open the flyer, which provides the unit names and dates. Even though the sessions are delivered via Zoom, we do have capacity limits so please register as soon as possible so that you don't miss out.

Email us at or call 8379 1643 in January 2025 to register your spot.

CCDMI 2025 image


Ongoing Classroom Management training

In the April school holidays, we will be running Ongoing Classroom Management training for those experienced catechists who need to refresh this unit. This is one of our three (3) mandatory units which need to be renewed every three (3) years. If you are due for this training, you will be contacted by your Parish Catechist Coordinator, or you will hear from the CCD Office directly. There are face-to-face sessions in each region, plus a Zoom evening session just after the holidays. Click the image below to open the flyer. 

To register, please email or call 8379 1643.

Ongoing Classroom Management