You are here:HomeMissionCCDCurriculumWalking With Jesus PowerPointStage 3 Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6) Cycle B PowerPoints INTRODUCTION LESSON 3.0.0 Introductory Lesson Unit 11 - LENT: AN INVITATION TO BELIEVE 3.11.1 The Call To Serve 3.11.2 A Time of Renewal QUIZ - Unit 3.11 Unit 12 - EASTER: PASSION SUNDAY 3.12.1 The Promised King 3.12.2 Celebrating the King 3.12.3 King of A Different Kind QUIZ - Unit 3.12 Unit 13 - EASTER:THE RESURRECTION 3.13.1 The Empty Tomb 3.13.2 Mary Magdalene Encounters Jesus 3.13.3 Seeing is Believing 3.13.4 His Resurrection Our Resurrection 3.13.5 The Spirit In My Life Unit 14 - LEADERSHIP 3.14.1 Moses Leads God's People (drama) 3.14.1 Moses Leads God's People 3.14.2 Jesus' Leadership Our Leadership 3.14.3 Called To Be A Footwasher Unit 15 - JUSTICE 3.15.1 Eyes to See, Mouths to Speak 3.15.2 Equal In God's Eyes 3.15.3 On The Edge - The Marginalised 3.15.4 Embracing the Marginalised 3.15.5 Frederick Ozanam Unit 16 - STEWARDS OF GOD'S CREATION 3.16.1 God As Creator 3.16.2 Stewards of the Planet 3.16.3 My Place A Gift from God 3.16.4 Indigenous Understandings of Spirit and Land Unit 17 - CATHOLIC CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA 3.17.1 Family Place Story 3.17.2 The First Catholic Communities 3.17.3 Mary MacKillop A Woman of Faith 3.17.4 Caroline Chisholm the Emigrant's Friend 3.17.5 Fr Chris Riley and Youth Off The Streets 3.17.6 What Makes Us A Church Unit 18 - SACRAMENTS OF SERVICE 3.18.1 The Seven Sacraments 3.18.2 Go To Love and Serve 3.18.3 To Serve One Another 3.18.4 Service to All 3.18.5 Signs of Covenant 3.18.6 Deacons 3.18.7 Called to Vocation 3.18.8 Log on to God Unit 19 - ADVENT: BE A JOYFUL MESSENGER 3.19.1 Messenger of Hope 3.19.2 The Coming of the Kingdom Unit 20 - CHRISTMAS: THE NATIVITY 3.20.1 Peace on Earth