Christmas Message 2024
Most Rev Antony Randazzo DD JCL
Bishop of Broken Bay
On that holy night in Bethlehem, I imagine Mary, the mother of Jesus, gazing lovingly into the eyes of her newborn son.
In that tender look, she did not simply see a child, but the very hope of the world.
In those eyes, she saw the fulfillment of God’s promise: a Saviour who would bring light to all peoples, healing to the broken-hearted, peace to the weary, and hope to those who struggle.
In the eyes of her newborn child, Mary saw not only the future, but also a hope that would never fade, a hope that would withstand every trial and difficulty.
As mothers today look upon their children, perhaps they too see a new beginning, a sign that, despite the darkness of the world, God’s light will never be extinguished.
It can often be difficult to hold onto hope amidst the overwhelming violence and suffering that seem to plague our world. Yet, hope is a healing power—one that sustains us through even the darkest moments.
Jesus Christ came into the world to remind us that hope is not the absence of difficulty, but the strength to endure and the grace to heal.
This Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, let us open our hearts to the hope He brings.
In the face of violence, we are called to be peacemakers; in moments of grief, sources of comfort; in the midst of chaos, we are invited to shine the light of Christ’s love, reaching out to those who suffer, standing in solidarity with the oppressed.
As we prepare to embark on the Jubilee Year of 2025, as Pilgrims of Hope, let us look into the eyes of those we love and see in them the same hope that Mary saw in her Son.
No matter what the future may bring, we are never alone, for Jesus Christ is with us—today, tomorrow, and always.
May you have a blessed Christmas, filled with the peace of Christ.
And may the Jubilee Year be a time of joy, renewal, and hope for you and your families.