Facing an unexpected pregnancy may be scary but you are not alone!
You are precious and loved and there are people who can offer a trusted space
for you to connect and be supported as you walk this journey.
Below are some services that provide free and confidential
counselling about your options as well as practical resources to enable you to
make an informed choice.

Pregnancy Help Australia connects you with a
judgement-free community that will listen and give you a safe space to work
through your feelings in your own time. They are here to answer all your
questions and link you to the right local support and encouragement you need to
make it through this challenging time.
Whatever stage of your pregnancy or newborn
parenting journey Pregnancy Help Australia can help you thrive!
All services are CONFIDENTIAL and FREE OF
For more information see https://pregnancyhelpaustralia.org.au/
or call the 24/7 Helpline on 1300 139 313

Diamond Women exists to provide
compassionate care, professional support and counselling to assist women and
their families facing an unplanned pregnancy. No woman should have to face an
unplanned pregnancy alone.
At Diamond Women, every woman receives judgement free and supportive care that
empowers her to make informed decisions. All services are free and include
counselling, mentorship, parenting support groups, material assistance,
casework service referrals and more. Services are readily available for
vulnerable, pregnant and/or parenting women in the perinatal period as well as
their families who are in crisis. Diamond Women is dedicated to supporting
women through their perinatal mental health journey and beyond.
To get in touch phone 1300 851 592 or
visit https://www.diamondwomen.com.au/