Mission Broken Bay serves its mission under the direction of the Bishop and advocates and promotes the growing missionary outlook of parishes, faith communities and individuals.
It exercises these tasks through six priorities:
- The person of Jesus Christ, and his message of Good News
- The Holy Spirit leads us in the way of discipleship
- Building together a culture of vocation for all the baptised
- A united message reflecting the voice of the bishop at the service of his people
- Authentic Catholic education for the flourishing of human and faith development
- Justice and mercy place the poor at the heart of the Church
In addition to assisting the Bishop in growing the missionary outlook of parishes, faith communities
and individuals, Mission Broken Bay works together with Catholic Schools Broken Bay as well as CatholicCare in developing a culture of
Mission in the Diocese. These internal partnerships support parish life by:
- growing opportunities for connections between schools and parishes grounded in faith
- facilitating united responses to contemporary issues and events (e.g. issues of justice, universal years of the Church)
- ensuring continuity of care for the people of our parishes and Diocesan community (e.g. collaboration in the areas of marriage preparation, disability and support of youth)
Mission Broken Bay also collaborates with partners including the ACBC Pastoral Research Office, National Church Life Survey Research, National Pastoral Planners Network, Catholic Mission, Caritas, Catholic Conference of Religious Educators in State Schools, MenAlive and ecclesial movements and groups amongst others. These external partnerships support parish life by:
- keeping parishes informed of activity and initiatives in the national and universal Church
- providing information and statistics to support parishes in their planning for mission
- promoting and encouraging the local initiative of parishes in works of charity and justic