Singing is an integral part of the liturgy and a joyful expression of those gathered (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 112; cf. Acts 2:46). The Gospels inform us that Jesus and the Apostles sang at the Last Supper, and the Apostle Paul exhorted the early Church communities to sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with thankful hearts when they gathered (cf. Mt 26:30; Mk 14:26; Col 3:16).
Instruction on Music in the Liturgy (Musicam Sacram) Vatican II
Music Repertoire Suggestions
Access the Archdiocese of Melbourne's recommended hymns
Access the Diocese of Wollongong's recommended hymns
National Liturgical Music Board
Download a list of ACBC recommended hymns and songs (PDF 134.6KB) (PDF 134.6KB)
Download a Simple Chant Mass for the Assembly (PDF 180KB) (PDF 180KB)
Music Copyright
Copyright is an exclusive intellectual property right given to the creators of original musical, literary and dramatic works. Parishes must hold licenses for any music reproduced in the parish, be it digital, print or recorded material. Most parishes in the Diocese of Broken Bay hold licenses for both Onelicense (previously Word of Life) and CCLI license.
Download a step by step Guide to OneLicense and CCLI reporting. (PDF 193.3KB)
Music Copyright Guide for Churches (PDF 277.8KB) (PDF 277.8KB) (Apra Amcos)
For questions related to Copyright please contact Jo Roberston….
Church Music Network in Australia
Australian Pastoral Musicians Network
Promotes the art of Religious Music in the service of the Catholic Church in Australia through education, support, networking and advocacy.
Royal School of Church Music Australia
An interdenominational educational organisation for church musicians.
Our members are church choirs, choristers, clergy, organists and other musicians.