
Lenten Resource 2025 "A Promise of Hope

Bishop Anthony

Bishop Anthony Randazzo’s Lenten Message 2024

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Each year the Church offers us the opportunity to journey towards the joyous solemnity of Easter. The season of Lent affords us the chance to reflect on our lives and our response to the call to participate in the Mission of Christ.

In 2024, the Lenten season coincides with the invitation from the Holy Father, Pope Francis, to dedicate ourselves to a Year of Prayer in preparation for the Jubilee Year of 2025. The Holy Father’s desire is that this time of prayer be fruitful to reawaken and revitalise the desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to Him and adore Him, as we unite together in a great symphony of prayer.

My hope is that this Lenten resource will be a powerful experience of prayer with Scripture, opening up the well of our hearts to the Word of God. I pray also that the Word be planted in our lives and transform them.

Therefore, for each and every one of you, I pray that this Lenten period may be a time of meaningful prayer, and that we respond to the invitation to step more intimately into the Mission entrusted to us by Jesus, whose resurrection restores us all to communion with the Father.


Lent Book 2023

Lent Book and Resources 2021 

The Stations of the Cross are a Catholic devotion commemorating Jesus Christ’s last day on Earth as a man. The 14 devotions or stations focus on specific events of the Passion of Christ and are used as a pilgrimage.
Read more about the Stations of the Cross