An important part of the ministry of the Church is to support people, young and old who have disabilities, so enabling them to participate fully in the life of the Church.
“We are all equal in the eyes of God - everyone … all of us. We are brothers and sisters. We all form and build the Church.” Pope Francis General Audience 26 June 2013
Ministry with People with Disabilities in the Diocese of Broken Bay is committed to facilitating the implementation of the Australian Catholic Disability Council recommendations which call for realising the unique gifts individuals with disabilities have to offer the Church and Society and to advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the full participation of the social, liturgical and sacramental life of the Church.
International Day of People with Disability

3 December 2019
The International Day of People with Disability is celebrated annually on 3 December and each year the United Nations announces a theme.
Resources are available to download here:
Poster for Work Places (PDF 1.1MB)
Poster for Schools (PDF 818.5KB)
ACBC Disability Welcoming Brochure (PDF 535.8KB)
The Living Body of Christ Pastoral Kit can be downloaded from
Diocesan Mass of Inclusion
The Diocesan Mass for People with Special Needs and their Families is celebrated annually by the Bishop at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral at Waitara and is usually held close to the International Day of People with Disability celebrated each year on 3 December. People with disabilities, their families and carers are encouraged to actively participate in the Mass.
This year’s Mass will be held on Sunday December 1st at 9.30am. For more contact Colleen Smith Life Marriage and Family Team on 8379 1642.
Download the flyer here (PDF 605.7KB).

A group of parents have come together in community to provide friendship and support to each other. The group’s theme is Hearts Open to People Everywhere (H.O.P.E.) Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon in the sunroom at Holy Name Church, Billyard Ave, Wahroonga. A social dinner also takes place on the first Wednesday of the month at the Wild Cactus Restaurant, Pennant Hills. If you would like to know more, please contact Jo Karaolis
Focus Group
An informal group of parents on the Central Coast who come together in support of each other.
Contact: For more information, please contact Carmel Jackson or 4328 1627
CatholicCare Broken Bay
CatholicCare offers a wide range of services to support people with disabilities, their families and carers. CatholicCare Disability Services
Carers Week
NSW Carers Week will be celebrated from 16 – 22 October 2016. For ideas and resources on how to celebrate Carers Week see website
October - Mental Health Month NSW

Mental Health Month NSW is part of a national mental health promotion campaign held throughout October each year. The timing of the campaign centres on World Mental Health Day, which is marked each year on October 10.
A Parish Kit, Prayer Card and Tips for Parishes developed by the ACBC on the theme "Mental Health Begins with Me!" can be downloaded at
Details are on the website for further information and resources
Disability Services Committee
A Diocesan Disability Services Committee, with membership from CatholicCare, Catholic Schools Office, Parish Support Unit and the “Disability Focus Group” has been established to promote and support welcome and inclusion practices in the Diocese.
Some further resources which may support Ministry with People with Disabilities :