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Hien Vu becomes Broken Bay’s newest Deacon

27 Nov 2023

Hien Vu has become the newest Deacon for the Diocese of Broken Bay, as he continues his journey towards priestly ordinat ...


To the People of God Australia “Reflecting on the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia"

24 Nov 2023

As the Church marks the end of the liturgical year this weekend, a Letter to the People of God from the Australian Catho ...

Red Wednesday News Image Thumb

Red Wednesday: Broken Bay to join in global prayer for persecuted Christians

21 Nov 2023

On Wednesday night, Broken Bay clergy, parishioners, and Bishop Anthony Randazzo will join the global community in praye ...


Hien Vu commits to service to the Church ahead of ordination

13 Nov 2023

Seminarian Hien Vu has taken his final step towards ordination to the transitional diaconate on Saturday, making his Oat ...


Australian Bishops call for lasting peace in the Holy Lands

10 Nov 2023

Australia’s Catholic Bishops have called for lasting peace in the Holy Lands, urging all the faithful to pray for an end ...


Bishop Randazzo celebrates four years as shepherd of Broken Bay

3 Nov 2023

Bishop Anthony Randazzo has celebrated four years as Bishop of Broken Bay, with his episcopacy already filled with many ...