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global rosary

Broken Bay to participate in the Annual Global Rosary

18 Jun 2020

On Friday 19 June, the Annual Global Rosary will be held, with Broken Bay once again participating

ACBC logo - web

Church denounces malicious emails claiming to be from Catholic sources

9 Jun 2020

The Catholic Church has denounced a number of malicious emails being sent to random recipients claiming to be from Catho ...

Plenary web

Discernment Papers help sharpen the focus for Plenary Council

1 Jun 2020

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB says the six discernment papers for the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia signify the ...

laudato si web

Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Laudato Si’

28 May 2020

On 24 May 2020, we celebrated the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change and ecology – Laudato Si ...

BishopMarkEdwards web thumbnail

Bishop Mark Edwards appointed to Wagga Wagga

27 May 2020

Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Mark Edwards OMI the sixth Bishop of Wagga Wagga.

RandazzoBBC coat of arms

Welcome back to school from Bishop Randazzo

26 May 2020

As students, teachers and staff head back to schools, Bishop Anthony Randazzo has sent out a message of welcome to the s ...