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Danny at St Marys Toukley web

Search for Future Focused School Leaders

14 Aug 2020

The Catholic Schools Office in Broken Bay is implementing new processes to appoint high calibre Catholic educators in po ...

SG_2020_liturgy web

Celebrating Safeguarding Month in September 2020

12 Aug 2020

The theme for this year’s Safeguarding Month is “Promoting the Rights of the Child“.


Pennant Hills Church Closure due to COVID-19

9 Aug 2020

St Agatha’s Catholic Church at Pennant Hills has been closed as a precautionary measure due to a member of the parish te ...

Lebanon_Beirut explosion

ACN launches emergency appeal for Lebanon

7 Aug 2020

Aid to the Church in Need has launched an emergency appeal to help those suffering in Beirut following Wednesday's explo ...

Sam, Roger, Bishop and Aldrin web

Celebrating National Vocations Awareness Week

5 Aug 2020

This week is National Vocations Awareness Week.

Social Justice Statement 2020 cover web

Bishops' annual Social Justice Statement focuses on mental health

3 Aug 2020

The Catholic bishops of Australia have released the Social Justice Statement 2020-21, on the critical subject of mental ...