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vinnies appeal vid

Vinnies Christmas Appeal - a message from Bishop Anthony Randazzo

11 Dec 2020

The St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas Appeal is highlighting the impact of COVID-19 on Australian families who have n ...

korean message

Bishop Anthony's message to the Korean Chaplaincy

11 Dec 2020

The Korean Chaplaincy in Broken Bay celebrates their 18th anniversary in December 2020

Fr David and friends web

Largest reconfiguration of clergy in decades

2 Dec 2020

On the eve of the Feast of St Francis Xavier, Bishop Anthony Randazzo has announced a number of clergy appointments for ...


Jesus Christ, our beginning and end

28 Nov 2020

A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Anthony Randazzo to the community of the Church of Broken Bay

lakes ccd web

Catechists Awards done differently in 2020

26 Nov 2020

This year Catechists receiving service awards in Broken Bay were presented in their local parish. Bishop Anthony sent th ...

eileen web

New website and social platforms to promote Eileen O'Connor's path to canonisation

25 Nov 2020

The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney has launched a new website and social media platforms aimed at promoting the pathway ...