24 March 2021
By Emma Baker, Team Leader, Life Marriage Family, Evangelisation Broken Bay
As the world continues to battle the devastating effects of a pandemic, with life in lockdown the new normal for many, the Holy Father has turned his focus once more to the family. For countless Catholics, the family as domestic church has become a living reality as COVID-19 restrictions have meant attendance at a local church has often not been possible. It is in this environment that Pope Francis has proclaimed a year dedicated to the family called Year of “Amoris Laetitia Family”. Commencing on 19 March 2021, a date which marks the five-year anniversary since the proclamation of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, the year will conclude with the celebration of the 10th World Meeting Families in Rome, in June 2022.
With Australia fortunate enough to have been spared the worst of the pandemic, life, nevertheless, has been unpredictable, challenging and at times, lonely. Despite the difficulties, or perhaps because of them, many have received a greater appreciation of the gift of family and it is with a sense of gratitude and hope that the Pope has asked us to delve more deeply into the themes of Amoris Laetitia in the upcoming year. Addressed to all parishes, dioceses, ecclesial movements, schools and universities, but above all, families throughout the world, the Pope has put forward 12 Ways to Walk with Families to make the “joy of love experienced by families” (AL 1) tangible and real.
With an emphasis on pastoral care and support for married couples, families and the elderly, the 12 proposals relate to initiatives such as strengthening marriage preparation for engaged couples, fostering a culture of accompaniment for married couples, helping parents in the education and faith development of their children, developing a missionary outlook for families and supporting couples and families in crisis.
Interestingly, the Pope has called for an in-depth study of Amoris Laetitia by parishes and communities with the hope that such study will raise awareness of the pastoral opportunities that exist in our local parishes. The Pope has announced a “10 videos Amoris Laetitia Project”, in which the Holy Father will explain each chapter of the exhortation, with one video to be released each month. More information on the resources available can be accessed here: http://www.laityfamilylife.va/content/laityfamilylife/en/amoris-laetitia.html#destinatari
Proclaimed five years ago, Amoris Laetitia is “an invitation to Christian families to value the gifts of marriage and the family” (AL 5) and “to become a light in the darkness of the world” (AL 66). Now, more than ever, those words are true. Despite the very human struggles that come with everyday family life, the Year of “Amoris Laetitia Family” is a reminder that family is a gift to be celebrated! Keep an eye out for ways in which we will be doing just that here in the Diocese of Broken Bay.
Emma Baker is the new Team Leader, Life Marriage Family in the Evangelisation, Broken Bay Team. She is working towards a PhD in theology examining St John Paul II’s writings on the family as an image of the Trinity. She holds a Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws and has previously worked as a family law solicitor. She is married with four children and is passionate about parish renewal, poetry, pugs and good coffee (although not necessarily in that order!) And of course she loves her family!