You are here:HomeNewsLatest News Bishop Anthony Randazzo Welcome Back To School F from CSO Broken Bay on Vimeo. As students, teachers and staff head back to schools, Bishop Anthony Randazzo has sent out a message of welcome to the school communities throughout Broken Bay. “I’m delighted that you’re all heading back to school” he said. “I pray your school communities come to life with the dynamic energy and spirit that is so often evident amongst you.” Schools have taken extraordinary measures to urgently take education online amidst the various restrictions presented by the Covid-19 pandemic. Aware that the past weeks have presented significant challenges to the way students learn and teachers teach, the bishop acknowledged the excellent way all involved have quickly adapted. Bishop Anthony thanked students, teachers, staff and parents for their “huge efforts to keep our high standard of education going despite all the obstacles in the way”. “I’m glad you’re safe and well” Bishop Anthony said. “It’s my top priority to ensure the safety and well-being of every person in the school community and I thank you for following all the protocols and guidelines in place.” Bishop Anthony warmly welcomed everyone back and wished them every blessing for an exciting term ahead and a great year of education in the Catholic school community of Broken Bay.