
Vatican Archbishop Visits Broken Bay

His Excellency, Archbishop Angelo Vincenzo Zani, Secretary of the Holy See’s Congregation for Catholic Education (second highest official) was a very special guest today in the Hornsby Cathedral precinct visiting staff and students of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary, St Leo’s Catholic College, and CatholicCare’s Waitara Family Centre and Early Learning Centre.

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Accompanied by Professor Monsignor Guy-Real Thiverge, the Secretary General of the Holy See’s new foundation – Fondazione Gravissium Educationis, His Excellency spent several hours experiencing Australian Catholic education first-hand – chatting with students, teachers and Program workers. A guest of the Australian Catholic University, The Archbishop and Mgr Thiverge are experiencing various levels of Catholic education, from early childhood through to Tertiary, during their week-long stay.

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Bishop Peter Comensoli welcomed and toured with the official party which included: Fr Anthony Casamento csma (Director, Identity and Mission ACU); Nigel Zimmermann (Associate Director, Church Policy ACU); Mr Julian Leeser MP, Member for Berowra ; Diocesan representatives - Fr David Ranson VG; Fr Robert Borg (Dean of the Cathedral); Deacon Roberto Corpuz; Principals Jacinta Crowe and Tony Gleeson; Director of Schools Peter Hamill; Virginia Ryan (Assistant Director CSO Evangelisation and Catholic Formation); and Annie Carrett (Senior Advisor and Director, Communications).

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