Synod on Synodality – Actions Not Just Words


The faithful should not expect a single outcome of the Synod on Synodality but a process whereby the word Church becomes a verb.

By doing so we are not looking to solving problems but embracing them.

That is the view of Cardinal Michael Czerny SJ, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development who was speaking on “The Thought of Pope Francis”

to a group of international journalists during The Church Up Close seminar at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome this week.

A confidant of Pope Francis, Cardinal Czerny said the whole synodal effort is to protect the faithful from lapsing into the trap of winning or loosing..

He said it is about listening and dialogue. And action, moving forward together.

“Perhaps our solutions are not just for the Church but the whole world,” he said.

“However people need to get involved in the whole process to understand it.” 

The Second Session of the Synod will be held at the Vatican during the month of October.

When asked why Pope Francis is often described a the “reforming Pope”, Cardinal Czerny said it would be more accurate to describe him as pastoral.

“The word reform is the word for Vatican II which was extraordinary, complex and even bewildering.

“Pastoral is actually in the title of Vatican II. That is a word so huge but at the same time simple. It is the life of the Church in the world.

“Pope Francis lives this, it’s in his DNA, it is the richness of the Magisterium of Pope Francis.”

Following the first session of the Synod last year, the Canadian-Czech Cardinal of the Curia, Cardinal Czerny, 77, said the most important experience of the Synod may have been very simple – the round tables.

“I would never have thought that the fact of the tables or form of the tables could have so much impact on a deeply human, spiritual, and ecclesial experience.

“This arrangement said something very important, which is that each one needs the other to fulfil their vocation in the Church.

“Can we be a better Church if we are a synodal Church? So far the answer is certainly yes.”