Rosan Mathew ready to serve as a deacon after long journey

430901321_361286993483864_4564829436901103891_nAfter almost fifteen years in formation, Rosan Mathew is just a few days out from taking the next step in his vocational journey.

On Saturday, he will be ordained a Deacon for the Diocese of Broken Bay by Bishop Anthony Randazzo.

“I’m looking forward to ministering to the people of Broken Bay as an ordained minister,” said Rosan.

“I feel at home here in Broken Bay and I’m very grateful for the support I have received during my time here in the Diocese.”

It’s been a long journey for Rosan, who began his formation in India, before moving to Australia more than 10 years ago to pursue his vocation to the priesthood.

He studied at Vianney College in Wagga Wagga, where he graduated in 2020.

He moved to the Diocese of Broken Bay in early 2021. He was initially on placement at Lower North Shore Parish before moving to Hornsby Cathedral Parish in January 2022. During his time at Hornsby, he would often assist as Master of Ceremonies.  

In January 2024, he was moved to The Entrance Parish for the final stage of his placement.

Rosan has been a popular figure at every parish he’s been to. He enjoys a particular love for the liturgy and has been Master of Ceremonies on many occasions for Bishop Anthony, including most recently at the ordination of Fr Hien Vu in August.

When he is ordained a deacon, he will be able assist at the altar, read the Gospel and preach the homily. He will also be able to celebrate the sacraments of baptism and marriage.

As a deacon, he will also begin preparing for ordination to the priesthood.

“Please continue to pray for me that I will remain faithful to my calling,” Rosan said.

Rosan Mathew will be ordained a Deacon for the Diocese of Broken Bay by Bishop Anthony Randazzo at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, The Entrance, at 5pm on Saturday, 21 September.