Kevin McGregor has always lived a life of service.
He’s been a nurse, firefighter and even served in the army.
But on Tuesday, 4th March, Kevin’s life will take on a whole new dimension of service, as he is ordained as a Permanent Deacon by Bishop Anthony Randazzo.
“There’s some nerves now that it’s only a few days out, there’s some butterflies arriving,” he says.
“It’s a big thing and this is the rest of my life. I’m committing to something that’s akin to marriage, for the service of others, not myself. You want to honour the role with the right dignity.”
Despite growing up in a Catholic family, Kevin has never very seriously considered a call to the priesthood or diaconate until a few years ago.
It was only after three people separately suggested to him he would make a great deacon that he began to dig a little bit deeper into where God was calling him.
“For me, I didn’t even know what a deacon was,” he says. “Initially I thought ‘I haven’t got time for that’ and I thought it was too hard in my life.
“But after three people mentioned this deacon thing to me, I thought I better go take a look at it because maybe God is putting this in front of me for a reason.
“You can’t say no to God if that’s what he wants you to do.”
Kevin entered the diaconate formation program in early 2020, undertaking a process of human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral formation. He says the process has helped to not only prepare for ordination but also helped him grow spiritually.
“I’ve grown in knowledge and what it is to be Catholic,” he says.
“It’s been a challenge but growing into this role has been the rewarding part. The reward you get from the people you serve feels way more than what you feel you actually give them.”
As a Deacon, Kevin will assist in the liturgy, reading the Gospel, preaching the homily and distributing Holy Communion. He will also offer himself in service to the Church in other ways, through chaplaincy, spiritual direction, supporting parish ministries, and serving the people of God. He can also baptise and officiate at weddings.
“I’m looking forward to finding where the Bishop wants me to serve outside the liturgy,” Kevin says.
“Whatever that challenge may be, I’m hoping to meet it, through the Grace of God.”
Kevin McGregor will be ordained to the Diaconate by Bishop Anthony Randazzo on Tuesday, 4th March at 7:30pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara.