Peter's Pence appeal helps further Church's mission

Francis with African childrenThe annual Peter’s Pence Appeal 2024 for the Diocese of Broken Bay will be held in parishes on the weekend of 27-28 July. We are all encouraged to support the appeal and Pope Francis’ mission from the proclamation of the Gospel for the promotion of development, education and peace.

Peter’s Pence also aims to support a range of charities which bring aid and comfort to the poor, children, families, the elderly, the marginalised, victims of war and natural disasters, refugees and migrants.

The practice of providing to those most in need and the work of evangelisation originates in the Holy Scriptures. In His public life, dedicated to the proclamation of the Good News, Jesus received material aid to support himself with the twelve Apostles and those in need.

Later, St Paul, in the Churches he founded, instituted the collection in support of the Mother Church of Jerusalem.

As a donation to the Successor of Peter, Peter’s Pence became more widespread from the seventh century.

Today, support for the Holy Father’s mission extends throughout the entire world, supporting numerous charitable works.

In his message for Peter’s Pence 2024 Pope Francis said; “The hope that we have been given never divides us from others. Instead, it is an extraordinary gift of which we are called to make ourselves ‘channels’, with humility and simplicity, for everyone. So our boastfulness is because we have as Father a God who opens his house to all human beings, beginning with the least and the most distant, so that as his children we may learn to console and support one another.”

Peter’s Pence 2024 donation envelopes will be available in parishes for the 27-28 July collection.