
International Meeting of Parish Priests wraps up in Rome

The main program for the International Meeting of Parish Priests has concluded in Rome, with the parish priests spending a final day listening to talks and holding Conversations in the Spirit in their small groups.

                                                                     day 3 fr david ranson

The discussions in the small groups focused on questions around: In my ministry as a parish priest, how have I experienced the dynamics of ecclesial discernment? Which ones have been happy and which ones difficult? What lessons do I draw from them? In my local context, how do participatory bodies function at the local level? And diocesan or eparchy level? What signs of hope do I recognise?

Very Reverend Dr David Ranson, representing Australia and the Diocese of Broken Bay at the meeting, said many in his group had recognised the importance of collaboration in their ministry, particularly with parish committees and councils.

On Thursday, the priests will move to the Vatican where they will meet with Pope Francis before celebrating the Eucharist in Saint Peter’s Basilica.

“It has been a memorable few days - a great deal of listening and absorbing. It will take time to absorb and to process the experience,” said Fr David, reflecting on the past three days.

“However, I leave deeply affirmed by what we are pioneering in our parish, encouraged by the interest that has been demonstrated, and inspired to continue to work with it all. Rather than answers, I will return home with a profound pastoral question of how to mature what we have begun.”

He said the meetings had also given him a greater sense of what synodality meant within the context of the local Church.

“The most important thing, perhaps, is not to depend on the term 'synodality' but rather to live out its many dimensions, the awareness of some which has been the gift to me of these days. Becoming Church: this is the greatest invitation to us all.”

Fr David wrote to the people of the Diocese of Broken Bay after the third day of meetings. A full copy of his letter is available here .