Homelessness Appeal to support the vital work of CatholicCare


The Diocese of Broken Bay will hold its annual Homelessness Appeal this weekend to support the vital work of CatholicCare.

As the temperatures drop in the middle of winter, and cost of living expenses remain high, the need to support this vital ministry has never been higher.

This year the CatholicCare Homelessness Appeal will take place in parishes on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 August. Homelessness Week aligns with the Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, who devoted her life to the poor, and established schools and places of refuge for the working class and disadvantaged.

Bishop Anthony Randazzo encouraged all the faithful of Broken Bay to consider donating to the appeal, even if they can only donate a small amount.

“It is vital we assist our communities when they need it most, recognising justice and mercy is at the heart of our Church, and dignity and respect is for all,” he said.

For many of us, there is no place like home, but for many in our community, having a home is not a reality. The causes may be diverse, but the impact is the same – a loss of dignity and a sense of hopelessness.

In the June edition of BBNews, the life changing work of CatholicCare was highlighted. CatholicCare puts the dignity of the person at the heart of every person it helps, recognising that merely having a shelter is not enough to give people safety and security.

CatholicCare provides temporary accommodation and short-term transitional accommodation while it supports people to find more long-term, stable accommodation. It works with people and families to help them sustain an existing tenancy that may be at risk and provide practical, emotional and financial assistance.

It also can assist with referrals and access to other services such as counselling, mental health, drug and alcohol, legal and court support and help to find and keep a job.

Donation envelopes will be available at Masses within the Diocese this weekend.

Donations can also be made online at catholiccaredbb.org.au/donate.