
Farewell Bishop Peter!

The Diocese of Broken Bay farewelled our third Bishop with a lovely Mass of Thanksgiving and Farewell for Most Rev Peter A Comensoli on Sunday 22 July at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara.

“It wasn’t my idea to abandon the sheep of Broken Bay and head south,” said Bishop Peter in his homily.

“Blame that nice Pope Francis you all seem to like so much!”

It was a day full of joy and laughter as well as sadness as we said goodbye to our shepherd.

cake(2)To conclude his homily, Bishop Peter said: “May I ask one last favour of you, as I now move on to a different flock. Love your new Chief Pastor of Broken Bay. Love him now, even though none of us know who he will be, and when he might arrive. Open your hearts to him today, so that when his come you will be ready to welcome him. Pray for his good from this moment on, so that his heart will be ready for you. Do all this, because you need a shepherd, and the Good Shepherd is already choosing him for you.”

An afternoon tea reception was held afterwards in the Light of Christ Centre, with a wonderful video tribute to Bishop Peter, prepared by the Catholic Youth Broken Bay team.

Thank you, Bishop Peter, for being such a wonderful shepherd and guide for the people of Broken Bay. Blessings to you and your new flock as you take on your new role of Archbishop of Melbourne.