
F is for Fast

Catholic traditions are alive and well at St Kieran’s Catholic School, Manly Vale. Following Shrove Tuesday and a feast of pancakes the students settled in for the forty days of Lent. During the Ash Wednesday Mass, Fr Francis Belcina spoke about “SPF 40”. Not a sun protection factor of 40 but “sharing, praying and fasting” for 40 days.

rice group  rice 2 girls

Students entered into the sharing by giving clean undies to the Wayside Chapel in Sydney. Shower facilities mean that the homeless can freshen up and with the gift of clean undies the homeless can also wear fresh clothing. Classes are all involved in praying and leading school prayer during Holy Week.

This year students took a varied approach to fasting. Children were requested to speak with their parents about the various ways they could participate in the fasting days. The younger members of St Kieran’s replaced their normal lunch with a cup of rice whilst the older students ate a simple breakfast then went without food till their cup of rice at lunch.

Parents have spoken to teachers about the discussion that this event generated in their families and the many ways in which the children have participated both at home and at school.

canteen workers

Overall, 155 cups of rice were sold with all the profits going to Project Compassion. St Kieran’s thanks our canteen lady, Jo, and her band of merry (and sticky) helpers in the Canteen who had a fleet of rice cookers going.