
Evert caps off whirlwind trip with talk to 700 young adults

Jason Evert capped off his whirlwind trip to Australia on Wednesday night, speaking to more than 700 people who had gathered at the Light of Christ Centre, Waitara.

People from as far away as Newcastle and Wollongong had come to see Evert speak, resonating with his message of human dignity and respectful relationships. While most of those in attendance were young adults, people of all ages were in attendance.

The American speaker had been in Australia for the week, touring schools and universities and spreading the Catholic teaching on relationships and dating.

In his trademark charismatic style, Evert talked for more than an hour about how “how to find your soulmate without losing your soul”.

Evert’s central message is about creating respectful and meaningful relationships, centred on Christ, and witnessing to the dignity of every human being.

He also talked on the importance of the difference between lust and love, and provided strategies for people who were struggling with finding an appropriate outlet for their attractions.

In the midst of an increasingly sexualised culture, Evert’s talks present an important catalyst for dialogue among many young Catholics, who can feel torn between the messages of the Church and the messages from their peers.

After the talk, the young adults gathered were encourage to participate in Eucharistic Adoration and Reconciliation, led by Bishop Anthony Randazzo.

At the conclusion of the night, the attendees had the chance to talk with Evert directly, as he mingled with the crowds well into the evening.

It was one of the biggest events the Diocese has hosted in years, a sign of how strongly Evert’s message resonates with today’s young Catholics.

Earlier in the week, he’d spoken to hundreds of high school students throughout the Diocese of Broken Bay, encouraging them to build respectful and positive relationships with the people they were dating.

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