
Digital Technologies Champion at OLOR Wyoming

14 December 2020

Special congratulations to Fraser Maple, a Year 4 student at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School at Wyoming, for his outstanding achievement in the area of Digital Technologies in this year’s ICAS Program administered by the University of NSW. ICAS is an independent, skills-based assessment program which recognises and rewards student achievement in a variety of learning areas. It is a prestigious quality assessment and over one million student entries are accepted from over 6,300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually.

Fraser was awarded a perfect score in the Year 4 Digital Technologies Competition in NSW and the ACT. Medals are awarded to students with the top score in each subject in each year level.

Normally, Fraser would have received his medal at a special ceremony at the University of New South Wales. This year was different and medals were sent to the school where the child attended. OLR Wyoming was honoured that Mr Danny Casey, Director of Schools and an alumni from the University of NSW, was able to present the medal to Fraser.

danny, fraser and bernard

danny olr school