
Deacon Paul Tran Van Duong to be ordained

A letter to the Clergy and People in the Diocese of Broken Bay

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Dear Fathers, my brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is with great joy that I am able to announce the ordination to the priesthood of Deacon PAUL TRAN VAN DUONG SDS from the Society of the Divine Saviour.

Deacon Paul has been ministering in the Parish of Saint Patrick’s, East Gosford and was due to be ordained in Manila on 18 April 2020. However, given the current restrictions, due to the public health crisis, he is not able to travel in the foreseeable future.

His Superior, Fr Adam Janus SDS, with the approval of the Superior General, has requested that I ordain Deacon Paul to the Order of the Priesthood. I have happily accepted this invitation and will ordain Deacon Paul on Thursday 16 April 2020 at 4pm.

Due to the current restrictions, the Mass will be livestreamed. Along with his family in Vietnam, and community in Manila, I hope that you will also participate in the Mass online.

I am delighted that this moment of grace has been given to us in Broken Bay and I am confident that you will keep Deacon Paul in your thoughts and prayers over these coming days.

With every blessing for Holy Week, I remain,

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Rev Anthony Randazzo DD, JCL
Bishop of Broken Bay

Deacon Paul