In the midst of community lockdowns and the closure of churches on the Northern Beaches, Bishop Anthony Randazzo has delivered his Christmas homily at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral at Waitara. With parishioners limited to the four square metre rule and caps on the numbers that can gather in places of worship, Christmas 2020 across Sydney has not been what we had hoped for.

After the cancellation of Easter Liturgies and the ongoing challenges presented by the pandemic, many worshippers find themselves once again unable to go to church and left with the option of participating online.
Despite the difficulties, Bishop Anthony encourages all to look for the opportunities presented to us this year, to reflect more deeply, to see Christ in a new way and to reach out to “the poor, the lonely, the unwanted and unloved… those left at the bottom of the heap of humanity”.
Bishop Anthony sheds light on how we should respond to headlines like
“Christmas could be cancelled”, and what such phrases mean in the context of our world and our faith. He urges us to come back to basics and consider the true meaning of Christmas, embodied in the person of “Jesus Christ, who was poor and small and vulnerable, and gives our world reason to pause and to think”.
Read full homily