31 March 2021
On Tuesday 30 March, Bishop Anthony Randazzo celebrated the annual Chrism Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara. It was the first time in over a year that all the Clergy of the Diocese were able to gather together with other members of the Broken Bay community. Also for the first time in over a year, the entire congregation was able to sing their praises together, with singing now allowed in places of worship again.
Last year the Chrism Mass was postponed as the churches were closed in March. The Mass was eventually held in September 2020, but still with limited numbers, not all Clergy were able to attend. As part of the Mass, the priests of the Diocese renewed their Priestly Promises they made at the time of their Ordination.
The Holy Oils, Oil of Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick were blessed by Bishop Anthony and the Oil of Chrism was consecrated. The Oils were then given to representatives from each of the 26 parishes in the Diocese of Broken Bay to take back to their parishes to be used throughout the year for baptisms, confirmations and anointing of the sick.
In his homily, Bishop Anthony said, "The annual celebration of the Chrism Mass is not simply for the blessing and consecration of oil. Nor is it primarily the commemoration of the ordained priesthood. It is the recollection of the anointing of Our Saviour, who is the Christ, the Holy One of God. Of course, it does not end there. Our Eucharistic celebration also reveals the anointing of the Spirit in us, the living Body of Christ. Each time we are anointed by the Spirit, through baptism, confirmation, holy orders, or indeed in every moment of our sacramental life, we are configured more closely to Jesus and the presence of the Spirit of God is revealed in each of us."
Read the full homily here.
Watch the live stream of the Mass herehttps://youtu.be/DUXxrNUGnjA.