The faithful from across the Diocese of Broken Bay have joined in a chorus of prayers from across the globe, asking for peace in the Middle East, one year on from the tragic October 7 attacks on Israel which sparked war in the region.
More than 100 people from across the Diocese came together at the Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara, on Monday evening, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, to pray the rosary, asking for the intercession of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, and Our Lady, Queen of Peace.
The prayers were led by Father David Ranson, Vicar General of the Diocese of Broken Bay, in the absence of Bishop Anthony Randazzo, who is in Rome for the Synod on Synodality. 
Fr David began the Vigil of Prayer by reading out a message from Bishop Anthony, thanking those who joined for the liturgy.
The Blessed Sacrament was exposed for the duration of the liturgy, as the faithful gathered lifted up their prayers to God, asking for an end to violence and peace to reign over the Holy Lands.
The five Decades of the Rosary were interspersed with reflections about peace, the Gospel reading and Prayers of the Faithful.
The Vigil of Prayer concluded with Benediction, then the Salve Regina hymn once the Blessed Sacrament had been reposed.
Last week, Pope Francis had called for a day of prayer and fasting for on October 7, the one-year anniversary of the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war.
“In this dramatic hour of our history,” the Pope said, “while the winds of war and the fires of violence continue to devastate entire peoples and nations,” the Christian community is reminded of its call to "put itself at the service of humanity."
“Let us walk together. Let us listen to the Lord. And let us be led by the breeze of the Spirit.”
Across the globe, Dioceses joined together in prayer on Monday, asking that the wars which ravage the globe would be ended and peace would be restored.