The Diocese of Broken Bay has celebrated, as another of its sons has received the sacrament of Holy Orders, with Kevin McGregor becoming a Permanent Deacon.
Kevin was ordained to the Order of the Diaconate on Tuesday, 4th March by Bishop Anthony Randazzo at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara.
The cathedral was filled with friends, family and colleagues of Kevin, all excited to see him receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders and begin his life of Diaconal ministry.
Bishop Anthony was assisted at the altar by Deacon Richard Houwing, the last Permanent Deacon to be ordained for the Diocese, and Deacon Rosan Mathew, who is due to be ordained to the priesthood on 19th March.
On the sanctuary were other permanent deacons of the Diocese, Deacons Kevin Hale, Paul Simmons and Adrian Gomez. Deacon Shane Hyland, who began his diaconal formation with Broken Bay but relocated to the Diocese of Lismore, was also present. He was only ordained just over a week ago.
In his Homily, Bishop Anthony emphasised the role of a deacon was to serve in humility, embodying the mission of Christ.
“Kevin, you are called to preach the Gospel and testify to the salvation that is offered through Jesus Christ. As a deacon, you will proclaim this message with your words, your actions, and your very life. Your role is not to seek glory for yourself, but to point always to the one who is the true source of hope, the Lord Jesus Christ,” he said.
“In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus offers us this poignant reminder: ‘many who are first will be last, and the last first.’ This is the paradox of the Kingdom of God.
“As a deacon, Kevin, you are called to live this paradox daily. The world often values power, prestige, and prominence, but Christ calls us to serve, to put others before ourselves, and to give without counting the cost.
“You are called to serve in humility, to take on the role of a servant, just as Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. In doing so, you will embody the very heart of the Gospel, the hope that is found not in earthly glory, but in the humble service of God’s people.”
In his closing remarks, Kevin thanked all of those who had helped on his journey to ordination. He particularly thanked his parents, who formed him in his Catholic life, and his wife and son, who had supported him throughout his discernment journey.
Kevin was born and raised on the Northern Beaches of Sydney.
Despite growing up in a Catholic family, Kevin has never very seriously considered a call to the priesthood or diaconate until a few years ago.
It was only after three people separately suggested to him he would make a great deacon that he began to dig a little bit deeper into where God was calling him.
As a Deacon, Kevin will assist in the liturgy, reading the Gospel, preaching the homily and distributing Holy Communion. He will also offer himself in service to the Church in other ways, through chaplaincy, spiritual direction, supporting parish ministries, and serving the People of God. He can also baptise and officiate at weddings.
Kevin has been appointed to serve at the Hornsby Cathedral Parish.