
Bishop Greg O'Kelly appointed Apostolic Administrator of Archdiocese of Adelaide

Pope Francis yesterday appointed Bishop Gregory O’Kelly SJ of Port Pirie as Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Adelaide.

006571_defeThe Australian Catholic Bishops Conference appreciates both the Holy Father’s pastoral concern for the Archdiocese and Bishop O’Kelly’s generosity in accepting the appointment.

Bishop O’Kelly was born in Adelaide and served there as a priest and Auxiliary Bishop before his appointment to Port Pirie. He is well known in the Archdiocese of Adelaide and is well qualified for the role entrusted to him. He will remain Bishop of Port Pirie during this period.

As Apostolic Administrator, Bishop O’Kelly assumes administrative and executive authority in the Archdiocese until any future decision of the Pope, to whom an Apostolic Administrator is directly answerable.

A Statement from Bishop Greg O'Kelly SJ

The Holy Father yesterday appointed me Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Adelaide. This action has been taken to address some of the needs occurring in the Archdiocese following Archbishop Philip Wilson’s decision to step down from his duties as a bishop.

The Pope’s intention is to provide stability for the people of the Archdiocese during these challenging times.

This appointment does not affect my present position; I remain Bishop of the Diocese of Port Pirie.
Archbishop Wilson remains Archbishop of Adelaide but as Apostolic Administrator I will exercise episcopal responsibilities in the Archdiocese.

There is an excellent group of Church officials presently serving the Archdiocese and the day-to-day administration will continue to be carried out by those to whom I, as Apostolic Administrator, delegate that authority.

On behalf of the people of the Adelaide Archdiocese, I thank Pope Francis for his pastoral concern for them and will do my best to fulfill this important role while also serving the people of Port Pirie Diocese.