Bishop Anthony praises the unique role of Ordinariate in the Church

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Bishop Anthony Randazzo has used his homily for the Solemnity of Our Lady of the Southern Cross to praise the Personal Ordinariate for which she is a patron, saying it has a unique missional role in the life of the Church.

Speaking to parishioners attending the midday Solemn Mass at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Killara on Sunday, Bishop Anthony highlighted the important role the Ordinariate plays in the life of the Church.

“The Ordinariate’s presence in Australia & Oceania, under the loving guidance of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, enriches the Church’s vitality and witness,” he said.

“We are reminded that this is not simply an accommodation or an exception but a powerful testimony to the beauty of unity in diversity.

“The Ordinariate is a living witness to the truth that the Church is ‘one, holy, catholic, and apostolic’ — a communion of hearts and minds, united in the one faith handed down from the apostles.”

The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross was established in 2012, to serve groups of Anglicans who desire full communion with the Catholic Church in Australia and Asia. It has congregations across Australia and has a presence New Zealand, Guam, Japan and Philippines.DSC05980-2

In 2023, Bishop Anthony was appointed as the Apostolic Administrator of the Ordinariate, following the resignation of Monsignor Carl Reid.

Bishop Anthony said the Solemnity was a chance to reflect on the unique calling of the members of the Ordinariate.

“As we venerate Our Lady of the Southern Cross, we also reflect on the unique gift and calling of the Ordinariate, born from Pope Benedict XVI’s vision in Anglicanorum coetibus, which is truly ecumenical in nature,” he said.

“This special community within the Church is meant to welcome groups of Anglican faithful and their pastors into the fullness of Catholic communion while preserving and celebrating their distinctive liturgical and spiritual traditions.

“This unity in faith, coupled with a vibrant diversity in expression, is a sign of the richness of the Church’s catholicity.

“Pope Benedict’s vision was to provide a home where the treasures of English Catholic patrimony could flourish within the broader Catholic Church, contributing to her life and mission.”

Following the liturgy, the Ordinariate community gathered for a potluck lunch.