A sickening and shocking anti-Semitic video rant by two Sydney nurses is the latest in a series of escalating anti-Jewish attacks.
Reaction to the video has been swift with health workers, politicians, religious leaders, and the broader community joining the Jewish community in their condemnation.
The video not only triggered immediate national outrage but has resulted in a global furore.
Bishop Anthony again expressed his profound concern with the wave of anti-Semitism born of hatred, prejudice, and division.
He has appealed to all people of faith, especially those in the Church of Broken Bay, to pray for the victims of this senseless violence, and their families, and for an end to anti-Semitism.
"As Bishop of Broken Bay, I feel compelled once more to speak out in the strongest terms against the recent surge of anti-Semitic speech and violence in Australia. These acts of hatred are not only deeply troubling but are also a violation of the dignity and rights of our Jewish brothers and sisters. It is my firm belief, and the teaching of the Church, that every human person is made in the image and likeness of God and deserves to be treated with respect and love. We hope for nothing less within our own community of the Church, and our faith urges us to extend this respect with charity to every person in our society.
As Catholics, we are called to love our neighbours as ourselves, and this includes standing in solidarity with the Jewish faith community, with whom we share a profound spiritual bond. The Church condemns anti-Semitism in all its forms, and I reaffirm this position unequivocally. The shameful history of persecution against Jews must never be repeated, and we must work together to create a culture of mutual respect, understanding, and peace.
Jesus Christ Himself was Jewish, as was His blessed Mother, and the Church has affirmed the continuing and irreplaceable role of the Jewish people in God’s plan of salvation. Any act of anti-Semitic violence or discrimination is a grave offense against both God and our fellow human beings.
I call upon all members of the community, especially those of faith, to reject all forms of prejudice, hatred, and division, and to stand united against anti-Semitism. We must not allow hatred to have a place in our society. We must instead build bridges of understanding, promote dialogue, and work towards a future where all people, regardless of their background or faith, can live in safety, peace, and mutual respect.
I urge all members the Church of Broken Bay to recommit ourselves to promoting a culture of respect and care as individuals, and at every level of our family life, which extends to our Parish communities, our Catholic Schools, our CatholicCare, and indeed to every corner of the community of the Church.
Let us pray for the victims of this senseless violence, for their families, and for an end to anti-Semitism. May we, as a civilised nation, be renewed in our commitment to justice, peace, and love for one another."