
Australia prays for those affected by the pandemic

19 August 2021

Catholic communities, along with other Christian communities in Australia are being encouraged to participate in an ecumenical day of prayer in this time of pandemic on Sunday, 22 August.

Australia Prays Jpeg August 2021The National Day of Prayer is an initiative of a broad range of Christian communities, including the National Day of Prayer and Fasting team (who coordinate the annual National Day of Prayer and Fasting in February) and the National Council of Churches Australia.

Australia’s churches are invited to pray for local, national and global communities experiencing great need and distress caused by COVID-19.

The theme is “Lord have mercy” and it calls people to be especially united in prayer, both individually and, where possible, in liturgies.

There will also be an online gathering, with church leaders offering prayers and reflections at various times during the day.

On Sunday August 22, the National Day of Prayer and Fasting team will host a 12-hour Zoom prayer call from 9.00am to 9.00pm, featuring Church leaders and Indigenous Christian Leaders.

Registrations: National Day of Prayer and Fasting website