Ten years on from the memorable occasion of Mary MacKillop being proclaimed a saint by Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop Anthony Randazzo has reflected upon the life of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Canonisation of Australia’s first saint, Bishop Randazzo released a video pointing out that Mary was a woman of strength and courage who turned to Christ in her suffering.
“I have no doubt that Saint Mary was familiar with the struggles of her time,” said Bishop Randazzo.
“She was a prophetess for the poor, she advocated for children and the vulnerable, and she blazoned new ways of reaching out to those on the edge of the Church and society.”
Bishop Randazzo explained that Mary is an example for all of us in that she drew her conviction from a life of deep prayer and union with God through the Scriptures and the Eucharist.
“As a woman of faith, Mary MacKillop was a woman of prayer who meditated deeply on the Word of God and who fed on the Body of Christ. She knew Jesus Christ personally in her life and in the community of the Church. Despite her many hardships, hurts, and frustrations, she never abandoned her faith.”
“Each one of us, like Saint Mary of the Cross, is called to proclaim by word and deed that God is our strength. In challenging times such as these, the world needs witnesses of faith. For our part, as disciples of Jesus, we are drawn, like Mary, into the world – to follow Jesus, wherever he may lead us.”