
9.2 The Catholic Church in Australia

9.2. The Catholic Church in Australia - Unit Outline 

pdf-file 9.2. The Catholic Church in Australia - Unit Outline  (PDF Download)

9.2.1 The Catholic Church in Australia - The Catholic Church Arrives in Australia

9.2.1 The Catholic Church in Australia The Catholic Church Arrives in AustraliaLESSON AIM:
To develop an understanding of the beginnings of Christianity in Australia

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 9.2.1 The Catholic Church in Australia - The Catholic Church Arrives in Australia (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 9.2.1 The Catholic Church in Australia - The Catholic Church Arrives in Australia - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 9.2.1 The Catholic Church in Australia - The Catholic Church Arrives in Australia - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 9.2.1 The Catholic Church in Australia - The Catholic Church Arrives in Australia Powerpoint presentation below:

9.2.2 The Catholic Church in Australia - The Catholic Church - Priests of Passion

9.2.2 The Catholic Church in Australia The Catholic Church Priests of PassionLESSON AIM:
To develop an understanding of how the Catholic Church grew in the colonial period of Australia through the efforts of the first priests of the colony.

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 9.2.2 The Catholic Church in Australia - The Catholic Church - Priests of Passion (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 9.2.2 The Catholic Church in Australia - The Catholic Church - Priests of Passion - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 9.2.2 The Catholic Church in Australia - The Catholic Church - Priests of Passion - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 9.2.2 The Catholic Church in Australia - The Catholic Church - Priests of Passion Powerpoint presentation below:

9.2.3 The Catholic Church in Australia - Catholicism in Australia - Women of Mercy

9.2.2 The Catholic Church in Australia Catholicism in Australia Women of MercyLESSON AIM:
To develop an understanding of the difference two women made to the face of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 9.2.3 The Catholic Church in Australia - Catholicism in Australia - Women of Mercy (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 9.2.3 The Catholic Church in Australia - Catholicism in Australia - Women of Mercy - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 9.2.3 The Catholic Church in Australia - Catholicism in Australia - Women of Mercy - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 9.2.3 The Catholic Church in Australia - Catholicism in Australia - Women of Mercy Powerpoint presentation below:

9.2.4 The Catholic Church in Australia - Ministries of Mercy Today

9.2.4 The Catholic Church in Australia Ministries of Mercy TodayLESSON AIM:
To develop an understanding of the how the Catholic Church carries out the works of mercy in the Australian society today

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 9.2.4 The Catholic Church in Australia - Ministries of Mercy Today (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 9.2.4 The Catholic Church in Australia - Ministries of Mercy Today - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 9.2.4 The Catholic Church in Australia - Ministries of Mercy Today - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 9.2.4 The Catholic Church in Australia - Ministries of Mercy Today Powerpoint presentation below: