
9.1 The Bible

9.1. The Bible - Unit Outline

pdf-file 9.1. The Bible - Unit Outline (PDF Download)

9.1.1 The Bible - The Gospels

9.1.1 The Bible The GospelsLESSON AIM:
Develop as understanding of the Gospels as four different accounts (not biography) of Jesus which provide a fuller picture.

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 9.1.1 The Bible - The Gospels (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 9.1.1 The Bible - The Gospels - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 9.1.1 The Bible - The Gospels - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 9.1.1 The Bible - The Gospels Powerpoint presentation below:

9.1.2 The Bible - Belonging - Baptism

9.1.2 The Bible Belonging BaptismLESSON AIM:
Students will understand that people need to belong, and Baptism is the first of 3 steps to belonging in the Catholic Church.

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 9.1.2 The Bible - Belonging - Baptism (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 9.1.2 The Bible - Belonging - Baptism - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 9.1.2 The Bible - Belonging - Baptism - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 9.1.2 The Bible - Belonging - Baptism Powerpoint presentation below:

9.1.3 The Bible - Miracles and Parables

9.1.3 The Bible Miracles and ParablesLESSON AIM:
To assist students to develop a personal relationship with Jesus by developing their understanding of him.

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 9.1.3 The Bible - Miracles and Parables (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 9.1.3 The Bible - Miracles and Parables - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 9.1.3 The Bible - Miracles and Parables - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 9.1.3 The Bible - Miracles and Parables Powerpoint presentation below: