
8.5 Confirmation

8.5. Confirmation - Unit Outline 

 8.5. Confirmation - Unit Outline (PDF Download)

8.5.1 Confirmation - Symbols and Rituals

8.5.1 Confirmation Symbols and RitualsLESSON AIM:
Students to uncover similarities between secular rituals and Catholic rituals

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 8.5.1 Confirmation - Symbols and Rituals (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 8.5.1 Confirmation - Symbols and Rituals - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 8.5.1 Confirmation - Symbols and Rituals - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 8.5.1 Confirmation - Symbols and Rituals Powerpoint presentation below:

8.5.2 Confirmation - Confirmation the Gifts of the Spirit

8.5.2 Confirmation the Gifts of the SpiritLESSON AIM:
Students will be able to recognise and appreciate the important gifts God offers them to open their minds, hearts and hands so that the Holy Spirit can be at work in them.

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 8.5.2 Confirmation - Confirmation the Gifts of the Spirit (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 8.5.2 Confirmation - Confirmation the Gifts of the Spirit - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 8.5.2 Confirmation - Confirmation the Gifts of the Spirit - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 8.5.2 Confirmation - Confirmation the Gifts of the Spirit Powerpoint presentation below: