
7.5 Initiation

7.5. Initiation - Unit Outline

pdf-file 7.5. Initiation - Unit Outline (PDF Download)

7.5.1 Initiation - Invitation to the Christian Life

7.5.1 Initiation Invitation to the Christian LifeLESSON AIM:
To develop in the students an understanding of what it means to belong to the faith community of the Catholic Church and that there are three ‘moments’ in the initiation process.

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 7.5.1 Initiation - Invitation to the Christian Life (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 7.5.1 Initiation - Invitation to the Christian Life - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 7.5.1 Initiation - Invitation to the Christian Life - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 7.5.1 Initiation - Invitation to the Christian Life Powerpoint presentation below: