
7.0 Holy Week

7.0. Holy Week - Unit Outline 

pdf-file 7.0. Holy Week - Unit Outline (PDF Download)

7.0.1 Holy Week - Palm Sunday

7.0.1 Holy Week Palm SundayLESSON AIM:
Students will develop their appreciation of the kingship of Jesus.

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 7.0.1 Holy Week - Palm Sunday (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 7.0.1 Holy Week - Palm Sunday - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 7.0.1 Holy Week - Palm Sunday - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 7.0.1 Holy Week - Palm Sunday Powerpoint presentation below:

7.0.2 Holy Week - Jesus of History, Lord of Faith

7.0.2 Holy Week Jesus of History Lord of FaithLESSON AIM:
To highlight the emergence of Jesus as the Lord of faith from the Jesus of Nazareth lesson.

Download the files directly by clicking the icons below. For a full index page of all Units and Lessons click here (page to be created).

powerpoint 7.0.2 Holy Week - Jesus of History, Lord of Faith (Powerpoint PPT Download)

pdf-file 7.0.2 Holy Week - Jesus of History, Lord of Faith - Student Handout (PDF Download)

pdf-file 7.0.2 Holy Week - Jesus of History, Lord of Faith - Teacher Notes (PDF Download)

Preview the 7.0.2 Holy Week - Jesus of History, Lord of Faith Powerpoint presentation below: