“Parish Giving Broken Bay” is the online App for the Catholic community of Broken Bay that supports:
- Weekly giving to 1st and 2nd Collection
- Ability to find a Mass and Live Streams
- Scripture readings for the day
- Catholic news highlights
Visit https://brokenbay.goodgiving.com.au
For most Parishes, weekly collections are a major source of funds for mission and ministry. With the Planned Giving options for 1st and 2nd Collections, the new App helps you support your Parish community.
The App is available on desktop or mobile, or search for “Parish Giving Broken Bay” in your mobile App store.
Refund and Privacy Policy
The online payment system on the page is safe and secure, with funds going direct to your nominated parish. Contributions can be made by Visa or MasterCard. If a donation has been made in error please contact your parish. Any approved refunds will be returned to the same credit card used to make the donation. Our privacy policy is available at https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/privacy-policy