Why is it important to have a Will?
It is important to prepare a Will to ensure that the things you own are distributed to your family, friends, Church community or charities according to your wishes at the time you pass away. A Will provides you with the peace of mind of knowing the security of your loved ones has been ensured.
First and foremost a Will should provide for your family. If you don’t have a Will when you die, your goods are distributed according to a set formula, which may not reflect your intentions.
It is advisable to seek professional advice and assistance when making a Will. Your solicitor can confidentially discuss your concerns and requirements and can prepare a Will for you to ensure that your wishes regarding your estate are honoured. If you do not have a solicitor, please contact the Law Society of NSW who can provide a solicitor referral service for your area.
Remembering your faith community in your Will
After providing for family members in your Will, have you ever considered leaving a bequest directly to your local parish or the Diocese of Broken Bay? This is called a legacy or bequest.
Over the years, many people who have felt a special connection with their local parish and church have left part of their Estate to their Parish or the Diocese of Broken Bay. Like a gift to a charity, a bequest of any amount to the Church is a way of saying “thank you” for the spiritual nurturing provided to you and your family over the years.
Your Parish
Many of us have a special connection to our parish, nurtured by years of faith-sharing, schooling, friendships and support.
A bequest to your parish, no matter how small, will help the faith community which has meant so much to you to continue its good works and its loving outreach. It is also a means by which you can plan a lasting gift for your parish which might not be possible in your lifetime.
In receiving a bequest, a parish may be able to use the gift to attend to much-needed maintenance and improvements to the church and other Parish property or put the gift towards building a new church or refurbishing their existing one. These kinds of gifts help the Parish free up other income to use toward pastoral care programs.
The Diocese of Broken Bay
The need for material and spiritual assistance provided by the Diocese is always growing. One of the many areas of need is to provide financial support in the training and formation of priests, deacons and lay parish ministers.
A bequest to the Diocese of Broken Bay will assist the Diocese to provide support for its many and varied works.
No matter the size of the gift, a bequest of any kind in your Will can make a significant difference.
Your Gift
- The following are some examples of how a bequest may be given:
- A Specific Bequest: A detailed gift, for example, an item of property, shares or an insurance policy
- Percentage of your Estate: Nominating a set percentage of your Estate for your chosen beneficiaries
- Residuary Bequest: Nominating a beneficiary to receive any leftover monies from your Estate
- Whole Estate: Nominating your entire Estate for your chosen beneficiary
Suggested Wording for Wills
Thank you for your thoughtful and generous consideration to make a lasting gift to your Parish or the Diocese of Broken Bay. A gift in your Will (also known as a bequest) to the Church supports your family of faith.
It is important that you take care of your family’s needs first, and we recommend that you have a discussion with them regarding your intentions.
The following wording is intended as a guide only and we recommend that you seek advice from a solicitor who is experienced in Wills and Estates. You may wish to contact the Law Society of NSW via email lawsociety@lawsociety.com.au or phone (02) 9926 0333 for their Solicitor Referral Service.
A.For general purposes to a Parish in the Diocese of Broken Bay
“I give to the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Broken Bay, (ABN 79 031 652 544) as Trustee for the Catholic Parish of ………………, in the State of New South Wales for its general purposes, the sum of $__________ or _____ percent of my estate or the property at ________________ (or other specific items), free of all duties, taxes and other deductions of whatever kind.
I declare that the receipt for the same signed by the Bishop of the Diocese, or other designated officer, shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors and Trustees.”
B. For general purposes to Broken Bay Pastoral Trust (for mission in the Diocese)
“I give to the Trustees of the Broken Bay Pastoral Trust, (ABN 51 674 844 081) in the State of New South Wales for its general purposes, the sum of $__________ or _____ percent of my estate or the property at ________________ (or other specific items), free of all duties, taxes and other deductions of whatever kind.
I declare that the receipt for the same signed by the Bishop of the Diocese, or other designated officer, shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors and Trustees.”
If you would like further information on bequests including how we can acknowledge your generosity in your lifetime, please speak with your Parish Priest or the Office for Communications on 8379 1664.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
Please note that your personal information will be treated in accordance with the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay Privacy Policy. A copy can be found here. Alternatively, please contact the Privacy Officer via email privacyofficer@bbcatholic.org.au.
Would you like to know more?
If you would like to know more about how to remember your local Parish or the Diocese of Broken Bay in your Will, please contact the Office for Communications (02) 8379 1664. You can be assured that all enquiries are obligation free and are treated with the strictest confidence.