Wyong St John Fisher and St Cecilia's 23 Byron Street Wyong NSW Australia 2259 Phone:(02) 4352 1011 Email:wyongparish@bbcatholic.org.au Website:https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/wyong Clergy Fr Raul Balute (SOLT PP) Fr Alex Barnedo (SOLT AP) Mass Times - St Cecilia's Saturday 8.00am; 5.00pm Vigil Sunday 7.30am; 9.30am Monday-Friday 8.00am First Friday of the Month 11:30am Monday (School Mass) 9:15am Mass Times - St John Fisher Saturday 5.00pm Vigil Sunday 8.30am; 5.00pm; 12:00pm ( Filipino Mass 3rd Sunday of the Month) Weekdays 8.00am Mon, 9.15am Tue, 8.00am Wed, 8.00am Thur, 9.15am Fri Mass Times - St Barnabas Yarramalong (Anglican Church) Sunday 11:00am (1st Sunday of the Month) Mass Times - St Peters College Tuesday 8.00am School Mass Wednesday 10.00am Class Mass