Warringah St John's and St Kevin's 50 Oaks Avenue Dee Why NSW Australia 2099 Phone:(02) 9982 6536 Email:warringahparish@bbcatholic.org.au Website:https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/warringah Clergy Fr Restituto Ogsimer (PP) Fr Savino Bernardi (AP) Fr Jose Gutierrez (AP) Mass Times - St John Apostle & Evangelist Saturday 9.30am; 5.00pm Vigil Sunday 9.30am Tues--Friday 9.30am (1st Wednesday of the Month) 7.00pm (1st Friday and 3rd Friday of the Month) 7.00pm Mass Times - St Kevin's Saturday 8.30am; 6.00pm Vigil Sunday 8.00am; 9.15am; 10.30am Italian; 6.00pm Monday-Friday 8.30am Mon 8.30am, 12:00pm Fri Filipino Mass 1st Sunday at 4;00pm and 3rd Sunday at 11.45am Spanish Mass 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month at 4pm Brazilian Mass 2nd & last Saturday of the month at 4pm Dee Why Gardens 10:30am ( 2nd Thursday of the Month) Scalibrini Village 11:45am in Tagalog (3rd Sunday of the Month) Spanish Mass 4:00pm (1st Saturday of the Month) Brazillian Mass 4:00pm (Last Saturday of the Month)