Lower North Shore St Thomas', St Leonard's and St Philip Neri 182 High St Willoughby NSW Australia 2068 Phone:(02) 9958 8846 Email:office@lns.org.au Website:http://www.bbcatholic.org.au/lns Clergy Rev Vincent Nguyen (AP) Rev Stephen Wayoyi Omwanda AJ (AP) Rev Roger Delmonte (AP) Mass Times - St Thomas' Saturday 9:00, 6.00pm Vigil Sunday 8.00am; 9.30am Monday-Friday Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9.00am; Anointing Mass 9.00am - 1st Friday of the month Mass Times - St Leonard's Sunday 10.30am; 6.00pm (Youth Mass) Monday - Friday Tue & Thurs 9.00am Anointing Mass 9.00am 3rd Saturday of the month Other Language Mass 7.30pm PNG Chinese (1st Saturday of the Month) Mass Times - St Philip Neri Saturday 5.00pm Sunday 9.00am Monday - Friday Mon/Wed/Fri 9.15am Other Special Masses Royal North Shore Hospital Chapel - Thurs/Fri 1.00pm & Sunday 4pm St Pauls Health Care (Northbridge) 9:45am Bupa Aged Care (Willoughby 1:30pm (2nd week) Pathways Aged Care (NorthBridge) 11:00am (3rd Week) Estia Health (Willoughby) 2:00pm (3rd week) Willoughby Retirement Village (Currently Postponed)