Lindfield-Killara Immaculate Heart of Mary and Holy Family Cnr Pacific Hwy & Highfield Rd Lindfield NSW Australia 2070 Phone:02 9416 3702 Website: Clergy Rev Colin Blayney (Dean & PP) Rev Stephen Hill (Priest-in-Residence) Mass times - Holy Family Lindfield Saturday 6pm Vigil Sunday 8.30am; 10.15am; 6pm On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month there is a Chinese Catholic Community Mass at 12 noon. On the 3rd Sunday of the month the evening Mass is at 5.30pm. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10am Reconciliation Saturdays 5.15 - 5.45pm Mass Times - Immaculate Heart of Mary Killara Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Sunday 9am Monday and Tuesday 8am Healing Mass 10am (2nd Friday of the month) Reconciliation 15 minutes after the Vigil Mass