Hornsby Cathedral Parish Our Lady of the Rosary & Queen of Peace Church 23 Yardley Avenue Waitara NSW Australia 2077 Phone:8379 1700 Email:cathedral@bbcatholic.org.au Website:https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/hornsby Clergy Most Rev Anthony Randazzo DD JCL (Bishop and PP) Very Rev Brendan Lee (Moderator) Rev Thomas Alackakunnel (Assistant Priest) Rev Vitalis Oguh (Assistant Priest) Based on March 2025 published Deanery Structure Mass Times Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral – 23 Yardley Avenue Waitara 2077 Weekend Masses Saturday 5:00pm (Vigil) Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 6:00pm 3:30pm (Filipino Mass every 2nd Sunday of Month) Weekday Masses Monday-Friday: 7:00am Tuesday – Saturday 9:30am Live Streamed Masses Monday – Friday 7:00am Mass Saturday 9:30am Mass Sunday 9:30am Mass Reconciliation Cathedral - Saturdays 8:30am – 9:15am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Every 1st Friday of the month 10:00am – 10:00pm Holy Hour - Saturdays 8:15am – 9:15am Praying of the Rosary Cathedral - weekdays after each 7:00am and 9:30am Mass Queen of Peace Church – 18 Stuart Avenue Normanhurst 2076 Weekend Masses Saturday 5:30pm (Vigil) Sunday 9:00am Weekday Masses Tuesday – Saturday: 8:45am Reconciliation Queen of Peace Church - Saturdays 4.30pm - 5.15pm Korean Chaplaincy Fr Lucius Choi