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Celebration of 35th Anniversary of Broken Bay

8 Apr 2021

Who celebrates 35th anniversaries, you might be asking yourself? By modern Australian standards, 100 years is considere ...

holy saturday web

Easter Vigil 2021

3 Apr 2021

My sisters and brothers, the Lord is Risen from the dead, Alleluia!

good friday web

Friday of the Passion of the Lord

2 Apr 2021

As we stand beneath the Cross today we gaze upon the ultimate covenant of love.

last supper web

Mass of the Lord's Supper

1 Apr 2021

The commemoration of the Lord’s Supper is often referred to as a feast of love. Amongst the early Christians this love w ...


Chrism Mass 2021

30 Mar 2021

Throughout history, God has invited humankind into a relationship of love. From the beginning of creation, man and woman ...

RandazzoBBC coat of arms

Palm Sunday 2021

29 Mar 2021

In recent times, the question of faith has been subjected to scrutiny in the media, in politics, in law, in society. Unl ...

RandazzoBBC coat of arms

Third Sunday of Lent

7 Mar 2021

In recent weeks, the mass media has made much of situations regarding morally questionable behaviour and relationships o ...

RandazzoBBC coat of arms

Commissioning of Seminarians

24 Jan 2021

In today’s Gospel, Saint Mark describes the very beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and his preaching begins with the w ...

RandazzoBBC coat of arms

Solemnity of the Mother of God

1 Jan 2021

This morning as I turned over my calendar, I had to remind myself that today we begin a new year.

A Child Is Born Christmas Cross Thumb

Homily for Christmas 2020

25 Dec 2020

In these past few days much as been said about Christmas. Sadly, almost none of it has been about Jesus Christ, the Ete ...

Institution into the Ministry of Lector-web

Institution of Lector

9 Nov 2020

When I was about ten years of age, my grandmother gave me a book. On the inside of the cover was written, “In reading l ...

Sam French and Bishop web

Ordination to the Diaconate - Sam French

22 Oct 2020

Over the past week I have been reflecting upon this Mass in which Samuel French will be ordained to the responsibility o ...